"Questions of the Month" was a section of the "old" newsletter and because it was so well received we decided to try it as an ongoing weekly feature to keep folks informed about new ideas, share new sources of information, provide tips from our readers and technicians, and basically to have some fun with the crazy questions we sometimes get. This is our first trial so please let us know if you like it or what we can do to make it more worthwhile for you!
Did you guys forget to post something about National Invasive Species Week?

Oh no! This is the second year in a row! Well, let us try to save a little bit of face and share with you the invasive that is being talked about most in our office right now. It is the one sitting on Abe Lincoln in the photo. This is the European Ash Bore or EAB for short and it has destroyed millions of acres of ash across the United States (not this one but its friends and relatives). In Maine the species was first found in Aroostook County in 2018. They have now moved to two other counties (York & Cumberland) and a quarantine is being considered for all ash movement in certain areas. For more info regarding this invasive insect click the Big Blue Button below!
(Thanks to Maine Forestry Service for the great photo)

Are you accepting maintenance and mowing customers for the 2021 season?
The answer is "Yes" ! Let's try to straighten this out. Last year due to the onslaught of Covid - 19 we had many requests at the very end of the season to do "one-time mows" and clean-ups. It was impossible to service our loyal regular customers and also honor these requests, thus reluctantly we had to refuse some folks. We were very sorry but the way to avoid this predicament is to become a regular customer. Just give us a call at (207) 474-2420 and we will provide you with an estimate and get you on our list! Thanks for your understanding and for allowing us the privilege to care for your property.

Is it too late to call for a hardscape or softscape design for the upcoming season!
Never! Honestly, our designers are very busy and the new computer software is getting a workout. However, we are very fortunate to have great designers and an expanding crew of skilled and knowledgeable technicians so there is still room to get that outdoor area you have been dreaming about. Give us a call, visit our website or like us and visit us on Facebook to see all the new ideas and projects! Thanks!
Thought of the Week
As we start another season pardon us for a bit of reminiscing but in 2005 John, our founder, embarked on a new adventure. He turned down the career offers he had coming out of college and embarked on making his summer job of eight years into a business. Since that time we have incorporated, purchased land, an organic composting facility, a couple of businesses and built garages and equipment buildings. As we look back we realize none of this would have been possible had it had not been for: our support system (bankers, accountants, insurance agents, suppliers, the garage owner who saved us because he knew we only had one truck!), our educators (Maine Department of Agriculture - BPC, NOFA, LakeSmart, U of Maine, MELNA, NALP, Maine DEP, Sports Fields, and all the others who answered our many questions), and our long term team members who have learned and grown along with the company , BUT most of all it has been possible because of YOU, OUR CUSTOMERS, who have put your faith in our commitment to provide quality services and without whom none of us would be working in a business we love so much.
Thank YOU so very much and here is to another great year!